Working as one
With an ever-increasing number of UK companies looking overseas for additional business we at Tomorrow the World are proud to specialise in assisting clients with international exhibitions and events.
But that’s not all we do!
The magic we use to get clients noticed requires the full range of marketing ingredients, whether this is online or offline, via social media, events (obviously) or PR campaigns. So, really, we are experts at all this too. All your marketing efforts need to work as one, like a flock of geese on the move and that’s where Tomorrow The World can help.
We’re not suggesting we make loud honking noises at our clients, well not on purpose anyway, but we do assist in creating that “V” formation for them. We make sure everything we do with a client shares the same message to reach the same destination. As with flying geese, each marketing element will support the other on a journey to attract more business. One will play a lead role whilst the others keep flying at an easier pace in the aerodynamically enhanced slipstream. Depending on priorities a different marketing goose will eventually take it’s turn in the lead. Sadly the random message outside the formation will struggle to make a difference. Just like the geese in our example, we don’t like to abandon these, we’ll just nurture them and re-introduce a healthier version back into the flock.
Here is a very simple trade show example which, if only used as a one-off campaign, will struggle outside the formation. We have companies asking for help, not only because trade shows are time-consuming or costly to organise, but when they did make the effort, they came away with a file full of business cards (surely a good thing we hear you honk) many of which were not relevant, nor had they managed to convert business from those that were. When we dug a little deeper we found they had not really promoted their attendance to current and prospective clients, which left them to the mercy of the passers-by, nor had they done any real follow-up.
Marketing textbooks claim that it takes seven ‘touches’ (or ‘honks’ if we keep to our geese analogy) before a customer makes a purchase or at least remembers your company’s message. Just imagine how much you could reduce the conversion time from first contact to first contract if you had all of your marketing elements slipstreaming and honking at the customer at regular intervals.
If you need help ensuring your marketing mix is fit for the long “V” formation journey to attract clients then give us a ‘honk’!